We take registration from the day of birth.
We do like parents to have visited the school, where possible, prior to Registration.
Children are admitted to the school on a "first come, first served basis" and although we do not like to encourage 'registration at birth' many parents do register at this time and our lists become full very rapidly for each entrance point.
We have a few exceptions regarding the 'first come, first served' lists, these are;
Siblings – these are first on the list but please note that they need to be registered as soon as possible as once the places are distributed we cannot make exceptions for siblings.
People who have opted to take afternoon places where no morning places have been available, will be given morning places when a suitable morning place becomes available or in the following Autumn/September term.
The lists are split into boys and girls to ensure a balance within the school.
We will look at those children who live closest to the school. It is not good for children to be travelling across London to nursery and it is very bad for their relationships with their peers in the school if they do not live locally.
There will sometimes be space for older children (3+) when places for 2 year olds are unavailable as the small classroom places are limited.
Very special circumstances at the discretion of all the staff.
Please note that we keep a small number of spaces available for families moving into the area close to their date of entrance.
We run a full nursery programme with a curriculum, which runs from Rising 2 - 5 years.
If your child comes at Rising 2 years we do not expect them to be removed at 3 years to go to a school or another nursery, which takes children from 3 years. A playgroup would be more suitable for this. (Please see our deposit policy if you are considering only sending your child to us from the age of Rising 2 to 3 years).
The usual points of entry are the term that your child turns 2 years of age also known as 'Rising 2'. There are three terms through the academic years that these entry points occur:
Autumn/September Term: Morning and Afternoon Session Entry
Spring/January Term: Morning and Afternoon Session Entry
Summer/April Term: Afternoon Session Entry.
We will also accept Half Term Entry points, please contact the Registrar to discuss this further.
We may also have occasional places at other ages, please contact the Registrar if you would like to enquire.
Our lists do get very long and parents are often put off by this. In fact, at the main points of entry (see below), more often than not, those who persist do get places in the end. Please note that:
All our lists are specific in terms of Status (morning or afternoon: Autumn/Spring/ Summer Entrance) and Year. We are however, happy to register children on a number of different lists but please note, there is no automatic moving of children to future lists if they do not take up the place in the year for which they were originally registered/offered.
At any given time we are only actively working on the next academic year – 4 terms ahead. For all subsequent years the lists are static – that is to say no promotions from the waiting list are made.
We write to everyone about 18 months before the time of entry. It is vital that we have been informed of any changes of address since registration, or you may miss a deadline and forfeit your place. It is normal for there to be a considerable reduction to both the place and waiting lists at this point. Thus many of those on the waiting lists do get offers in due course.
It is common for vacancies to occur late in the day, due mostly to people moving out of the area/country. Please feel free to ring the Admissions Office with any enquiries.
We are always happy to answer questions or discuss your plans either via email, over the phone or in person. When coming to visit the school, there will be a chance to discuss these matters with the Registrar.
For further information regarding points of entry please speak with the Registrar.
Although every effort is made to notify parents, please note that the School reserves the right to change the Admissions procedure without notice at any time.
Prospective parents should be aware that the School reserves the right to vary the entry procedures at any time after registration has taken place, and to vary or waive them in any respect of individual cases.
The School reserves the right when compiling these lists to give preference in its absolute discretion to the children of Staff, Old Tadpolians, siblings and any others it sees fit, where places are available.
Parents are also advised that they should keep any current school informed of any intended move to Tadpoles and must observe their regulations regarding the giving of due notice. We cannot accept anyone from another independent school who has failed to meet their commitments to the previous school in full prior to joining us.
The information on the School’s website is not part of any agreement between parents and the School. Although correct at the time of writing, certain statements may go out of date from time to time. Parents wishing to place specific reliance upon any statement in the web pages referred to in this guidance should seek written confirmation before accepting an offer of a place.
*see the schools privacy statement/GDPR notice
**Exceptions may be made if a family is moving out of the area – area designated by the school office - or country, dependant on the reason and notice given to the school. In this instance to apply for a refund of your deposit evidence must be provided detailing the new address of residence and date of move or intention. This must be sent to the Registrar upon giving notice of intent to leave.